Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Warning! Saber Toothed Couch Cat.

 Maggie is serious about guarding her couch...very serious...and note that there are four sets of claws as well.

The cottage

Just moved to old run down cottage closer to downtown. It is a pain to heat, but has fireplaces and lots of old wood furniture that should burn well. Soon as everything is moved over, it will be far more attractive when we set up the lovely rust covered old engine blocks, the Edsel on stands, recycling storage, and best of all the the parking area has a great spot for those three old mobile homes that I have been trying to find a place for, and the Jeep hard top that my buddy wants to store.
I am grateful to my friends, they know who they are, who have gone the extra mile to support me in my time of need. I have few friends really, but they are very good friends and I am blown away by the help and moral support given me. You guys rock!

Chevy Blazer

Finally, some decent wheels. My old Waggie ran fine and was reliable, but ugly....the new (to me) one not only runs great, it looks great too. The kid has returned to his first love Chevy Blazers.